Innovative Childcare
4moms4moms takes advantage of the declining costs of electronic and robotic components to develop innovative, cost-effective childcare products that make routine parenting tasks easier and improve child safety. 4moms’ products have been featured on television shows including The Today Show, The Doctors and have been shown in publications including People Magazine, and Tech Crunch.
Game Changer
AnglrAngler Labs has developed tracking technologies designed for seamless integration with today's sport fisherman- A hobby 3x the size of golf in the United States.
Video Revolution
C360 LiveC360 Technologies, Inc. is the provider of an extremely high resolution single sensor/optic, zero-stitch virtual reality (VR) broadcast and second streaming camera system. The company was established to penetrate the emerging 360 video market utilizing its proprietary camera technology.
Drug Discovery & Development
Cognition Therapeutics Inc.Cognition Therapeutics Inc. is a drug discovery and development company located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Cognition Therapeutics is focused on the discovery and development of small molecule therapeutics targeting the toxic proteins that cause the cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer's disease and other neuro- degenerative diseases of the human brain.
Hemolung® Respiratory Assist System
ALungALung Technologies, Inc. is a privately-held Pittsburgh-based developer and manufacturer of innovative lung assist devices.
Founded in 1997 as a spin-out of the University of Pittsburgh, ALung has developed the Hemolung RAS as a dialysis-like alternative or supplement to mechanical ventilation.
Reduce Healthcare Costs
Carmell TherapeuticsCarmell’s technology allows the manufacture of biologically-active plastics from blood plasma to treat injuries to bones and connective tissue. These materials use the body’s own growth and regenerative factors to naturally promote tissue healing, resulting in accelerated healing and better clinical outcomes.
Life Saving Science
ComplexaComplexa, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company focused on discovering and developing therapies for the treatment of inflammatory and metabolic diseases - initial focus is placed on acute and chronic kidney disease. Complexa's human network pharmacology discoveries have revealed new classes of drug candidates that are based on naturally-occurring activated fatty acids. Their lead compounds activate the body’s own protective mechanisms against inflammatory injury and metabolic stress.
Delivering Jobs and Convenience
PickupNowPICKUP provides last mile delivery and logistics services for items that are big and heavy. PICKUP focuses on delivering items that are more than 50 lbs going less than 50 miles. There is an enormous gap in home delivery capability. There are several segments the business can address--these include: B2B2C, B2B and C2C in the secondary market for household goods. PICKUP is currently focusing all business development efforts on the retail sector.
Commercial Growing Media
PittMoss Development Co.PittMoss Development Company, LLC makes and sells PittMoss®, a peat moss alternative for commercial greenhouse and nursery container growing media. PittMoss® is made from a mix of organic additives and recycled paper that would otherwise end up in a landfill. It is designed to replace the 1.1 Million Tons of Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss imported each year and utilized by U.S. greenhouses, nurseries and the home gardener.
Safe Organizations Cyber Security
Wombat (acquired by ProofPoint Systems, Inc.)Wombat helps organizations address the #1 cyber security weakness: human error. Wombat provides training and filtering solutions that have been proven to dramatically reduce an organization’s vulnerability to cyber security threats.